OCE Workshop | Rachel LE MAROIS | Thursday, March 6th | 12h15-14h15
OCE Workshop | Rachel LE MAROIS | Thursday, March 6th | 12h15-14h15 We will have the great pleasure of welcoming Rachel Le Marois. Rachel is an PhD student at emlyon. She’ll be giving a talk entitled: “Universal design as alternative organizing: A blind spot between...
OCE Workshop | Farida SOUIAH | Tuesday, February 11th | 12h15-14h15
Dialogic organizing and polyphony under an authoritarian rule: The public debates of the Hirak movement in Algeria Farida Souiah, assistant professor in political science, OCE, emlyon business schoolTuesday, February 11th | 12h15-14h15 Room | B-114 This paper...
OCE Workshop | Hussein NASSER | Tuesday, December 10th | 10h-12h
We will have the great pleasure of welcoming Hussein Nasser. Hussein is an PhD student at emlyon. He’ll be giving a talk entitled: “Unpopularity Amidst Popularism: Dual Ethnographic Study of Migration-Themed Social Movement Organizations during Environmental...
OCE Workshop | Viktoria LAVRINIUK | Tuesday, October 15th | 12h15-14h15
OCE Workshop | Viktoria LAVRINIUK | Tuesday, October 15th | 12h15-14h15 We will have the great pleasure of welcoming Viktoria Lavruniuk. Viktoria is an PhD student at emlyon. She’ll be giving a talk entitled: “Beyond the Visible: Infrapolitics and Gendered Solidarity...
OCE Workshop | Hussein NASSER | Thursday, June 27th | 13h-14h
OCE Workshop | Hussein NASSER | Thursday, June 27th | 13h-14h We will have the great pleasure of welcoming Hussein Nasser. Hussein is an PhD student at emlyon. He’ll be giving a talk entitled: « SPEAKING SHOUTING WITH THE EYES: Language Barriers and Emotional...
OCE Workshop | Rachel LE MAROIS | Thursday, May 30th | 13h-14h
We will have the great pleasure of welcoming Rachel Le Marois. Rachel is an PhD student at emlyon. She’ll be giving a talk entitled: « Invisible Disabilities at Work: How Organizations Drive Stigmatized Identity Concealment/Disclosure? » In France, the recent...
OCE Workshop | Sanjana GOREEBA | Thursday, March 7th | 13h-14h
We will have the great pleasure of welcoming Sanjana Goreeba. Sanjana is an PhD student at emlyon. She’ll be giving a talk entitled: « Estranged in their Homeland: Industrial Patriotism, Societal Control and the “Disinherited” Workers on the Made in France Shopfloor »...
Webinar | Mar PEREZTS | Tuesday, January 23rd | 16h-17h
R:ETRO webinars - Reputation: Ethics, Trust, and Relationships at Oxford, Saïd Business School Online seminar: Tuesday 23rd January 16:00 -17.00 GMT Mar Perezts, Professor of Philosophy and Organization, emlyon Business School will be the guest speaker for a seminar...
OCE Workshop | Farida SOUIAH | Thursday, February 8th | 13h-14h
The next OCE Workshop is planned Thursday, February 8th (13h-14h). We will have the great pleasure of welcoming Farida Souiah. Farida is an Assistant Professor at emlyon. She’ll be giving a talk entitled: « Bad ethnographer, and worse mother” : Navigating Motherhood,...
OCE Workshop | Chaïma BENZEKRI | Thursday, January 11th | 13h-14h
The next OCE Workshop is planned Thursday, January 11th (13h-14h). We will have the great pleasure of welcoming Chaïma Benzekri. Chaïma is a PhD student at emlyon. She’ll be giving a talk entitled: « Financial sustainability, an act of solidarity or tool of...
OCE Workshop | Virginie BLUM | Thursday, October 19th | 13h-14h
The next OCE Workshop is planned Thursday, October 19th (13h-14h). We will have the great pleasure of welcoming Virginie Blum. Virginie is a post-doctoral researcher at emlyon since June 2023. She'll be giving a talk entitled: Who benefits from the ‘Redressement...
OCE Paper Workshop: Joseph Tixier presentation: Thursday, November 12th (13:30-15:00)
Dear all, The next OCE Paper workshop is planned Thursday, November 12th (13:30-15:00). Joseph will present an exciting on-going work entitled “ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION AND INTERNAL DIDACTIC TRANSPOSITION IN MADAGASCAR”. This working paper unpacks the issues of...
OCE Paper workshop: Sanjana Goreeba presentation: Wednesday, October 7th (10:00-12:00)
Dear all, The next OCE Paper workshop is planned Wednesday, October 7th (10:00-12:00), room A_342. Sanjana will present an exciting on-going work entitled “Corporate Wellbeing: Individual and Organizational Responsibility in the Case of France Telecom Suicides”....
OCE Paper workshop: Pedro Monteiro presentation: Thursday, March 12th (12:00-14:30))
Hello everyone, I hope you are doing well. The next OCE Paper workshop is planned Thursday, March 12th (12:00-14:30), room A_346. Pedro will present an exciting on-going work about bureaucracy, entitled “Bureaucracy is Dead, Long Live Bureaucracy: Taking Stock and...
[OCE Conference Papers] Galette des Rois & Papers Reviews (EGOS, AOM) Thursday, January 9th – @10am – room 346 (Building A)
Hello everyone, Our annual *** OCE Conference Papers *** is coming quite soon ! Indeed, please remind that this very useful academic workshop is planned Thursday, January 9th (10.00am– room 346, Building A). Along with the traditional best wishes for the New Year and...
OCE Paper workshop: Lisa BUCHTER presentation: Friday, November 22nd (10am)
Dear Colleagues, I am very pleased to invite you to our next Paper Workshop taking place this Friday 22nd of Nov @10am in room B_1074. Lisa BUCHTER will present her paper under revision. The paper is entitled: "Getting out of the ellipsis of diversity. When activists...
[OCE event – July] Kind reminder: Last OCE Meeting + OCE Summer Chill, July 10th 10.30am (David C’s place)
Hello hello everyone, I hope you are doing well This is a kind reminder about our ***OCE SUMMER CHILL 2019*** taking place tomorrow at David C’s place. Please remind that this thrilling, delightful and charming event starts with the first 2019/2020 OCE meeting,...
OCE PW April 12th
Dear colleagues, I am very happy to invite you to our next OCE paper workshop (without papers this time). Nesrine will start be presenting a paper entitled The Quest for Individuality from a Collectivity: Metaphorical and Literal Exit This presentation will be...
OCE PW March 15th
Dear colleagues, I am very happy to send you the two papers that we will be discussing next Friday. Yousra's (very interesting) paper is entitled : « Faire corps » / « Comme un seul homme ». Inter-corporeality and the collective body in non-violent activism Mar's...
OCE PW February 15th
Dear Colleagues, I am happy to send you this very exciting first paper for Friday's workshop, Claire's paper, entitled: Thinking beyond algorithmic management: a study of platforms’ disciplined bodies. This is the first draft of a paper that Claire intends to develop....
[OCE Conference Paper] Galette des rois + Papers review – Thursday January 10th, 9am @Wellness Center (Building A)
Hello everyone, I hope you are doing well and that you enjoyed a great holiday season. First of all, on behalf of OCE, I would like to wish you a *** Happy New Year ***. Might 2019 be filled with exciting achievements, love and joy for you all. I wish you the best for...
Conference Papers 10th January
Brace yourselves! Our annual *** OCE Conference Papers *** is coming very soon. Indeed, please remind this very useful academic workshop is planned Thursday, January 10th (10.00am-12.30 – @Wellness Center). Along with the traditional best wishes for the New Year (J ),...
OCE Workshop 14th December
Please remind that our next OCE workshop is planned Friday December 14th, at 10am – room 66 (Building B). Vanessa will present us a currently work-in-progress paper (more details upcoming). Also, note that Joseph will present the results of his last fieldwork trip,...
[OCE Cool Stuff] Save the Date ! OCE Christmas Dinner Monday, December 17th
Hello everyone, I hope you are doing well. There must be an old saying stating that good news are just like troubles: they come by packs. Then let’s keep up with the nice package: Now that days are getting darker and colder, it is about time to get warm with a nice...
OCE PW November, 16th
Dear Colleagues, We are very glad to send you Julie's proposal (10 pages) for a paper entitled: From Liminality to Liminalization: A Socio-historic Exploration of Work Practices Through Fiction This is an important project for Julie. She would like to move it forward,...
emlyon business school
23 Avenue Guy de Collongue,
69130 Écully
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Guillaume DUMONT