Experiencing vulnerability between frontstage and backstage identities: the vulnerable ‘I’s in creative writing workshops
Vignaud, M. (2024). Experiencing vulnerability between frontstage and backstage identities: the vulnerable ‘I’s in creative writing workshops. Culture and Organization, 1–17 In the context of creative writing groups, this paper explores how the affective experience of...
Dance Your Ph.D.
Hernandez Castro, G.Z., Kervyn, N., Mandalaki, E., Pérezts, M., Gomez Zuñiga, R.A., Rojas Pérez, S.G. (2024)“Dance Your Ph.D.” in VideoConfeDance: Developing a Blended-Method Dance Workshop for the Popularization of Science Through Choreography This teaching practice...
Breathe and let breathe: Breathing as a political model of organizing
Pérezts, M., Fotaki, M., Shymko, Y., & Islam, G. (2024) Take a deep breath. Although nothing is more natural or essential to human bodies than breathing, this simple yet vital act is the critical result of complex organizational, material, and political processes....
Clavijo C., Perray-Redslob, L. (2024). “We don’t want to be accused of being feminists”: A gender equality measure for leadership positions and the perpetuation of patriarchal arrangements. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. Volume 100, December 2024, 102754
Clavijo C., Perray-Redslob, L. (2024). This article seeks to understand the effects produced by a gender equality measure founded on a career-advancement approach to equality, by scrutinising a managerial control process introduced by the women’s network of a large...
Arnhold, V. (2024). «L’indépendance» en question. La construction d’une autonomie relative des organisations nucléaires face au politique en France (1986-2006). Entreprises et histoire, 114(1), 21-47.
Arnhold, Valérie (2024). Cet article étudie l’évolution de l’organisation du contrôle public de la filière nucléaire, de la création des premières structures supervisant l’exploitation des installations nucléaires jusqu’à l’adoption de la loi sur la transparence...
Dumont, Guillaume. Evaluating the Credibility of Entrepreneurs’ Impact Promises in Early-Stage Impact Investing. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 0(0)
Dumont, Guillaume. (2024). This article investigates ethnographically how early-stage impact investors evaluate the credibility of the impact promises made by social entrepreneurs. Uncovering how investors carry out this task beyond observable characteristics and...
Pénurie de logements pour les étudiants : et si la France s’inspirait du modèle coopératif ?
Buchter, Lisa (2024).
Dance Your Ph.D.
Hernández Castro, G. Z., Kervyn, N., Mandalaki, E., Pérezts, M., Gómez Zúñiga, R. A. et Rojas Pérez, S. G. (2024). “Dance Your Ph.D.” in VideoConfeDance: Developing a Blended-Method Dance Workshop for the Popularization of Science Through Choreography. Revue...
Fulfilling the process promise in new venture creation research: The ethnography/accelerator approach
Collecting fine-grained, longitudinal data to study new venture creation (NVC) is critical but empirically challenging given the partly invisible, collective, and highly discursive nature of NVC. This article offers the ethnography/accelerator approach as one powerful...
Dumont, G. (2023) “Under threat”: The role of threat in ethnographic fieldwork. Qualitative Research. (Online first).
I make two points about the role of threats for ethnographic fieldwork in contexts suffused by interpersonal violence. First, the experience of implicit and explicit threats operates as a powerful cultural agent that significantly transforms fieldworkers’ relationship...
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