
How do people experience the platform-mediated job search process? As part of a broader mixed-methods study on digital inequality and the job search process in Spain, we explore this question based on a small sample of in-depth interviews (n = 20) with low-qualified, unemployed job seekers. Our main finding shows that the ways they use Information and Communication Techologies (ICTs) negatively impact their engagement in online job search activities. Based on our findings, we develop a framework of online job search discouragement revolving around crafting online profiles, applying for jobs, and reviewing application statuses and integrating the tensions these activities carry for the experiences and outcomes of the platform-mediated job search. 



2023 Dumont, G., De Marco, S., & Elsper, E. Online job search discouragement: How employment platforms and digital exclusion shape the experience of low-qualified job seekers? New Technologies Work and Employment