Rachel LE MAROIS OCE emlyon



I am currently engaged in a personally relevant research project that aims to make a meaningful contribution to the fields of Management and Sociology of inequalities. More specifically, my dissertation concerns the inclusion of people with invisible disabilities within the French workplace.

Invisible disability refers to a concealed and unmarked impairment that typically goes unnoticed, allowing the individual to be perceived as “normal” or not as someone with a disability. These hidden disabilities encompass a range of concealed impairments or illnesses, such as chronic pain, learning disorders, cancer, AIDS, Crohn’s disease, chronic migraines, psychological disorders, and other medical conditions that are not readily visible but can present unique challenges in the workplace.

I approach my study from the perspective of disability studies. This research is particularly timely, given the ongoing implementation of new laws to include and protect disabled workers in France.

My investigation will revolve around how French organizations engage with invisible disabilities. Additionally, I will explore the factors influencing the decisions of disabled employees regarding the disclosure of their invisible disabilities at their workplaces.