Dance Your Ph.D.

Dance Your Ph.D.

Hernandez Castro, G.Z., Kervyn, N., Mandalaki, E., Pérezts, M., Gomez Zuñiga, R.A., Rojas Pérez, S.G. (2024)“Dance Your Ph.D.” in VideoConfeDance: Developing a Blended-Method Dance Workshop for the Popularization of Science Through Choreography This teaching practice...

Breathe and let breathe: Breathing as a political model of organizing

Breathe and let breathe: Breathing as a political model of organizing

Pérezts, M., Fotaki, M., Shymko, Y., & Islam, G. (2024) Take a deep breath. Although nothing is more natural or essential to human bodies than breathing, this simple yet vital act is the critical result of complex organizational, material, and political processes....

OCE Workshop | Hussein NASSER | Tuesday, December 10th | 10h-12h

OCE Workshop | Hussein NASSER | Tuesday, December 10th | 10h-12h

We will have the great pleasure of welcoming Hussein Nasser. Hussein is an PhD student at emlyon. He’ll be giving a talk entitled:  “Unpopularity Amidst Popularism: Dual Ethnographic Study of Migration-Themed Social Movement Organizations during Environmental...

OCE Workshop | Viktoria LAVRINIUK | Tuesday, October 15th | 12h15-14h15

OCE Workshop | Viktoria LAVRINIUK | Tuesday, October 15th | 12h15-14h15

OCE Workshop | Viktoria LAVRINIUK | Tuesday, October 15th | 12h15-14h15 We will have the great pleasure of welcoming Viktoria Lavruniuk. Viktoria is an PhD student at emlyon. She’ll be giving a talk entitled: “Beyond the Visible: Infrapolitics and Gendered Solidarity...

Clavijo C., Perray-Redslob, L. (2024). “We don’t want to be accused of being feminists”: A gender equality measure for leadership positions and the perpetuation of patriarchal arrangements. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. Volume 100, December 2024, 102754

Clavijo C., Perray-Redslob, L. (2024). “We don’t want to be accused of being feminists”: A gender equality measure for leadership positions and the perpetuation of patriarchal arrangements. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. Volume 100, December 2024, 102754

Clavijo C., Perray-Redslob, L. (2024). This article seeks to understand the effects produced by a gender equality measure founded on a career-advancement approach to equality, by scrutinising a managerial control process introduced by the women’s network of a large...

Arnhold, V. (2024). «L’indépendance» en question. La construction d’une autonomie relative des organisations nucléaires face au politique en France (1986-2006). Entreprises et histoire, 114(1), 21-47.

Arnhold, V. (2024). «L’indépendance» en question. La construction d’une autonomie relative des organisations nucléaires face au politique en France (1986-2006). Entreprises et histoire, 114(1), 21-47.

Arnhold, Valérie (2024). Cet article étudie l’évolution de l’organisation du contrôle public de la filière nucléaire, de la création des premières structures supervisant l’exploitation des installations nucléaires jusqu’à l’adoption de la loi sur la transparence...

OCE Workshop | Hussein NASSER | Thursday, June 27th | 13h-14h

OCE Workshop | Hussein NASSER | Thursday, June 27th | 13h-14h

OCE Workshop | Hussein NASSER | Thursday, June 27th | 13h-14h   We will have the great pleasure of welcoming Hussein Nasser. Hussein is an PhD student at emlyon. He’ll be giving a talk entitled: « SPEAKING SHOUTING WITH THE EYES: Language Barriers and Emotional...

OCE Workshop | Rachel LE MAROIS | Thursday, May 30th | 13h-14h

OCE Workshop | Rachel LE MAROIS | Thursday, May 30th | 13h-14h

We will have the great pleasure of welcoming Rachel Le Marois. Rachel is an PhD student at emlyon. She’ll be giving a talk entitled: « Invisible Disabilities at Work: How Organizations Drive Stigmatized Identity Concealment/Disclosure? » In France, the recent...

OCE Workshop | Sanjana GOREEBA | Thursday, March 7th | 13h-14h

OCE Workshop | Sanjana GOREEBA | Thursday, March 7th | 13h-14h

We will have the great pleasure of welcoming Sanjana Goreeba. Sanjana is an PhD student at emlyon. She’ll be giving a talk entitled: « Estranged in their Homeland: Industrial Patriotism, Societal Control and the “Disinherited” Workers on the Made in France Shopfloor »...

Dance Your Ph.D.

Dance Your Ph.D.

Hernández Castro, G. Z., Kervyn, N., Mandalaki, E., Pérezts, M., Gómez Zúñiga, R. A. et Rojas Pérez, S. G. (2024). “Dance Your Ph.D.” in VideoConfeDance: Developing a Blended-Method Dance Workshop for the Popularization of Science Through Choreography. Revue...

Exposition Ethnographique

Exposition Ethnographique

  Exposition Ethnographique Exposition Ethnographique Cette exposition clôture le parcours d’apprentissage ethnographique organisé par l’Institut Ethnographique en collaboration avec le CFA.   Durant ces 12 mois, les étudiants et étudiantes en...

The interfaces of legal and illegal activities

The interfaces of legal and illegal activities

The interfaces of legal and illegal activities April 24 2024 / Ethnographic Institute, emlyon business schoolOrganizing committee Guillaume Dumont, Emlyon Business School, France.Loïc Pignolo, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland. Theme Legal and illegal economic...

Webinar | Mar PEREZTS | Tuesday, January 23rd | 16h-17h

Webinar | Mar PEREZTS | Tuesday, January 23rd | 16h-17h

R:ETRO webinars - Reputation: Ethics, Trust, and Relationships at Oxford, Saïd Business School Online seminar: Tuesday 23rd January 16:00 -17.00 GMT Mar Perezts, Professor of Philosophy and Organization, emlyon Business School will be the guest speaker for a seminar...

OCE Open Talks | Yuliya SHYMKO | Thursday, March 28th | 12h30-14h

OCE Open Talks | Yuliya SHYMKO | Thursday, March 28th | 12h30-14h

We are pleased to announce our next OCE Research Seminar : Yuliya Shymko (Full Professor - Audencia Business School) will join us on March 28th to discuss her work : “Living and organizing below the abyssal line: ethnography in the favelas" Abstract : In countries...

OCE Workshop | Farida SOUIAH | Thursday, February 8th | 13h-14h

OCE Workshop | Farida SOUIAH | Thursday, February 8th | 13h-14h

The next OCE Workshop is planned Thursday, February 8th (13h-14h). We will have the great pleasure of welcoming Farida Souiah. Farida is an Assistant Professor at emlyon. She’ll be giving a talk entitled: « Bad ethnographer, and worse mother” : Navigating Motherhood,...

De Marco Stefano, Dumont Guillaume, Helsper Ellen, Díaz-Guerra Alejandro, Antino Mirko, Rodríguez-Muñoz Alfredo and Martínez-Cantos José-Luis (2023) Jobless and burnt out: digital inequality and online access to the labor market. Social Inclusion, 11 (4). 184 – 197.

De Marco Stefano, Dumont Guillaume, Helsper Ellen, Díaz-Guerra Alejandro, Antino Mirko, Rodríguez-Muñoz Alfredo and Martínez-Cantos José-Luis (2023) Jobless and burnt out: digital inequality and online access to the labor market. Social Inclusion, 11 (4). 184 – 197.

We look at how inequalities in digital skills shape the outcomes of online job‐seeking processes. Building on a representative survey of Spanish job seekers, we show that people with high digital skill levels have a greater probability of securing a job online,...

OCE Workshop | Chaïma BENZEKRI | Thursday, January 11th | 13h-14h

OCE Workshop | Chaïma BENZEKRI | Thursday, January 11th | 13h-14h

The next OCE Workshop is planned Thursday, January 11th (13h-14h). We will have the great pleasure of welcoming Chaïma Benzekri. Chaïma is a PhD student at emlyon. She’ll be giving a talk entitled: « Financial sustainability, an act of solidarity or tool of...

Buchter, Lisa (2023)“Addressing Racism and Islamophobia under the Rules of Colorblindness: When Social Movements Engage in Category Work to Reform the Meanings of Regulatory Categories.” Strategic Organization, 21 (1): 149-185.

Buchter, Lisa (2023)“Addressing Racism and Islamophobia under the Rules of Colorblindness: When Social Movements Engage in Category Work to Reform the Meanings of Regulatory Categories.” Strategic Organization, 21 (1): 149-185.

Research at the intersection of social movements and categories has stressed how movements initiate and transform categories that influence the emergence, downfall, and restructuring of markets and industries. Yet, this literature tends to underestimate how social...

Clavijo N., Perray-Redslob L., Mandalaki E. (2023). “Cracking a brick in the master’s house: counter practices as counter-accounts of difference and survival”, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, DOI 10.1108/AAAJ-07-2022-5936

Clavijo N., Perray-Redslob L., Mandalaki E. (2023). “Cracking a brick in the master’s house: counter practices as counter-accounts of difference and survival”, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, DOI 10.1108/AAAJ-07-2022-5936

Purpose – This paper aims to examine how an alternative accounting system developed by a marginalised group of women enables them to counter oppressive systems built at the intersections of gender, class and race. Design/methodology/approach – The authors draw on...


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