by davidsanson | Sep 27, 2019 | A la une, Publications
Abstract : Recent studies on identity regulation emphasize the significance of the body in mediating individuals’ responses to cultural control within organizations. However, little is known about how such responses are concretely enacted by individuals through their...
by davidsanson | Oct 22, 2019 | Workshops OCE
Hello hello everyone, I hope you are doing well This is a kind reminder about our ***OCE SUMMER CHILL 2019*** taking place tomorrow at David C’s place. Please remind that this thrilling, delightful and charming event starts with the first 2019/2020 OCE meeting,...
by davidsanson | Mai 1, 2019 | A la une, Rencontres OCE
Le chapitre lyonnais du réseau RGCS et le centre de recherche OCE d’emlyon business school organisent une visite commentée de l’exposition photo « Dites-nous comment survivre à notre condition » de Caroline Bach à la galerie Le bleu du Ciel le vendredi 17 mai...
by davidsanson | Oct 22, 2019 | Workshops OCE
Dear colleagues, I am very happy to invite you to our next OCE paper workshop (without papers this time). Nesrine will start be presenting a paper entitled The Quest for Individuality from a Collectivity: Metaphorical and Literal Exit This presentation will be...
by davidsanson | Oct 22, 2019 | Workshops OCE
Dear colleagues, I am very happy to send you the two papers that we will be discussing next Friday. Yousra’s (very interesting) paper is entitled : « Faire corps » / « Comme un seul homme ». Inter-corporeality and the collective body in non-violent activism...
by davidsanson | Mar 3, 2019 | Rencontres OCE
Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing well 😊 You will find here the 2019 Program for this 7th edition of our annual Ethnography Workshop, with the information for these upcoming days. Many thanks for your participation & stimulating papers that will make...
by davidsanson | Mar 3, 2019 | Rencontres OCE
“A Performative Identity Perspective of Cyberactivism: The Case of My Stealthy Freedom” The use of social media in social movements is generating questions about technology’s role in social change. Challenging the resource-based view of extant research that casts...
by davidsanson | Oct 22, 2019 | Rencontres OCE
«”But, are you here in an official capacity?”: the ethics of office in organizational life » . In recent years, there has been an upsurge of interest in the concept of ‘office’ within the social and human sciences. One key element of this has been a rekindled interest...
by davidsanson | Fév 10, 2019 | Workshops OCE
Dear Colleagues, I am happy to send you this very exciting first paper for Friday’s workshop, Claire’s paper, entitled: Thinking beyond algorithmic management: a study of platforms’ disciplined bodies. This is the first draft of a paper that Claire intends...
by fondation_admin | Jan 18, 2019 | Uncategorized
Dear all, The 7th edition of the *** Ethnography Workshop *** will be hosted by ESADE Business School on March, 21st-22nd 2019 (ESADE, Marqués de Mulhacen, 40-42 BARCELONA). This annual workshop, hosted in turns by VU Amsterdam, emlyon Business School, Cardiff...