by parnet | Jan 2, 2020 | A la une, Publications
We are pleased to announce the publication of a recent article from Dima Younes, David Courpasson and Marie-Rachel Jacob Ref: Younès Dima, David Courpasson, and Marie-Rachel Jacob. 2020. « Ethics from Below : Secrecy and the Maintenance of Ethics ». Ethics from...
by parnet | Jan 1, 2020 | A la une, Publications
We are pleased to announce the publication of a recent article from Guillaume Dumont and Mart Ots : Ref: Dumont, Guillaume and Mart Ots. 2020. « Social Dynamics and Stakeholder Relationships in Personal Branding ». Journal of Business Research 106:118‑128. Abstract:...
by davidsanson | Déc 15, 2019 | Workshops OCE
Hello everyone, Our annual *** OCE Conference Papers *** is coming quite soon ! Indeed, please remind that this very useful academic workshop is planned Thursday, January 9th (10.00am– room 346, Building A). Along with the traditional best wishes for the New Year and...
by davidsanson | Nov 19, 2019 | Workshops OCE
Dear Colleagues, I am very pleased to invite you to our next Paper Workshop taking place this Friday 22nd of Nov @10am in room B_1074. Lisa BUCHTER will present her paper under revision. The paper is entitled: « Getting out of the ellipsis of diversity....
by davidsanson | Nov 19, 2019 | A la une, Rencontres OCE
Dear all, The 8th edition of the *** Ethnography Workshop *** will be hosted again by ESADE Business School on April, 2nd & 3rd 2020 (Pedralbes campus, Building 1, Av. De Pedralbes, 60-62 BARCELONA). Traditionally hosted -in turns- by emlyon Business School,...
by davidsanson | Nov 16, 2019 | A la une, Publications
Le mouvement des « gilets jaunes », dépeint comme désorganisé, hétéroclite, voire radicalisé, a étonné par sa longévité. À l’approche de son premier anniversaire, le 17 novembre, de nombreux collectifs continuent pourtant de se réunir et de s’organiser lors...
by davidsanson | Oct 28, 2019 | Rencontres OCE
“Le “crowdworking comme nouvelle forme de sous-traitance. Enquête sociologique sur le micro-travail en France” Please note that exceptionally the presentation will be in French. Abstract : Depuis quelques années, les médias relaient l’essor de plateformes numériques...
by davidsanson | Oct 12, 2019 | Publications
I am glad to share an exciting call for paper for the 4th International symposium of the Research Group on Collaborative Spaces (RGCS), co-organized by Julie Fabbri, and open to various questions regarding the multifaceted social concept of “commons”! This...
by davidsanson | Oct 12, 2019 | A la une, Publications
David COURPASSON, Cannibales en costumes. Enquête sur les travailleurs du XXIème siècle, François Bourin, 2019. Le monde de l’entreprise est-il devenu cannibale ? Des usines sales et bruyantes de la fin du XXe siècle aux start-up impitoyables ...
by davidsanson | Août 22, 2018 | Publications
Abstract : Secrecy and ethics are often seen as opposing forces within organizations. Secret work is viewed as unethical, as it excludes others from knowing and is associated with self-interested behavior. We contend that this view does not account for the dynamic...