by davidsanson | Déc 7, 2020 | A la une, Rencontres OCE
“Taking the Floor: Models, Morals and Management in a Wall Street Trading Room”. The OCE Research center is very pleased to welcome Daniel BEUNZA (prof. at Cass Business School, UK) Thursday, December 17th (15:00-17:00) for an exciting open talk entitled: “Taking the...
by davidsanson | Nov 24, 2020 | Rencontres OCE
Dear all, On behalf of Jonas Rooka and the Lifestyle research center, I am very pleased to share and invite you all to join their research event called « Living 2020, Talking Covid-19 », organized on Monday 30 November 2020, 10am-5pm via zoom....
by davidsanson | Nov 24, 2020 | Rencontres OCE
emlyon webinars series : COMMENT LA SITUATION ACTUELLE ACCÉLÈRE LES TRANSFORMATIONS ? 10 professeurs-chercheurs de l’Ecole ont élaboré chacun un webinar sur un domaine d’activité impacté par la crise sanitaire actuelle et correspondant à son domaine d’expertise et de...
by davidsanson | Nov 5, 2020 | Workshops OCE
Dear all, The next OCE Paper workshop is planned Thursday, November 12th (13:30-15:00). Joseph will present an exciting on-going work entitled “ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION AND INTERNAL DIDACTIC TRANSPOSITION IN MADAGASCAR”. This working paper unpacks the issues of...
by davidsanson | Oct 17, 2020 | Rencontres OCE
« Un tournant ethnographique de la littérature contemporaine » Dear all, It is a great honor and pleasure to welcome Laurent Demanze (Grenoble University) for an exciting open talk entitled: “Un tournant ethnographique de la littérature contemporaine » on...
by davidsanson | Oct 16, 2020 | A la une, Publications
We are pleased to announce the publication of a recent article from Lisa Buchter in Administrative Science Quarterly: Ref: Buchter, L. Escaping the Ellipsis of Diversity: Insider Activists’ Use of Implementation Resources to Influence Organization Policy....
by davidsanson | Oct 2, 2020 | A la une, Publications
“How can one do ethnography today? Clearly, it is almost accepted as a fact that lack of time and increasing ideals of productivism and the pressure for ‘academic capitalism’ moves research designs away from exploratory and long-term fieldwork, toward ...
by davidsanson | Oct 2, 2020 | Workshops OCE
Dear all, The next OCE Paper workshop is planned Wednesday, October 7th (10:00-12:00), room A_342. Sanjana will present an exciting on-going work entitled “Corporate Wellbeing: Individual and Organizational Responsibility in the Case of France Telecom Suicides”....
by davidsanson | Oct 2, 2020 | A la une, Publications
Mar Perezts « Mafalda, la petite fille drôle et impertinente aux cheveux noirs qui déteste la soupe, diabolique d’intelligence et familière de millions de lecteurs est orpheline. Son créateur, le dessinateur argentin Joaquin Salvador Lavado Tejon, plus...
by davidsanson | Juin 9, 2020 | A la une, Publications
« Lorsque les philosophes se penchent sur la question de savoir ce qui distingue l’homme de l’animal, certains soulignent le rôle cardinal de la main et de son pouce opposable, d’autres comme Aristote présentent le rire comme le symbole distinctif du genre...