Dear all,
The 6th edition of the *** Ethnography Workshop *** will be hosted by emlyon Business School on May, 17th 2018 (Paris Campus, 15 Boulevard Diderot– 75012 PARIS).
This annual workshop, hosted in turns by VU Amsterdam, emlyon Business School and Cardiff University, is particularly recommended to PhD students working in a wide range of social scientific disciplines and relying on ethnographic approaches. Open to various research questions, this convivial event brings together exciting contributions from various fieldworks, and offer you the opportunity to share topic(s) of your choice with your international colleagues in a friendly spirit.
Interested in this motivating event ? Please fill in the registration form enclosed to this mail, and return before April 8th to:
A welcoming dinner gathering all participants is scheduled the evening before in a Parisian restaurant.
The participation is free of charge. Refreshments and meals are also provided. However, please note that participants are expected to cover their travel and accommodation expenses.
After submitting your registration form, please note that:
An abstract of your choice (approx. 3000 words – in EN) must be sent before April 20th to :
( Please title your mail: “First NAME, Last NAME – Abstract Ethnography Workshop 2018” )
Looking forward to seeing you !