Work and organizations (BBA)
We created a major for the apprentices, called “Work and Organizations,” and which has been attracting more and more students since its inception in 2021. The goal of this major is to educate undergraduate students in apprenticeship about key social sciences theories related to work, employment, and organizations, to help them make sense and analyze in reflexive ways their own work environment. This course provides students with a good mastery of social sciences theories, that is very compatible with pursuing a master’s degree. It also introduces them to ethnographic methods and qualitative research more broadly, and try to give them the taste of writing, reflexivity, and observation, through enabling them to reflexively consider their own workplace experience. Last, it provides them with various professional skills, as they learn to use concrete analytical and methodological tools to analyze practical cases of organizational problems or conflicts and to find informed solutions. The use of several case studies further enhances their ability to critically reflect on their own positions in their workplace. Through exploring concrete questions related to human resources and recruitment, diversity and inclusion, industrial relations, conflict management, legal compliance, communication, we give them very concrete tools that are directly helpful for their own professional advancement.
Pedagogical team : Lisa Butcher, Denis Giordano, Valerie Arnhold