I am a Ph.D. candidate coming from Lebanon. I worked in Lebanese law enforcement for 10 years before embarking on my doctoral journey. Working on the frontlines and being immersed in the field for so long have shaped my antecedent curiosity into motivation to perform impactful and meaningful research. As a researcher, I am very sensitive to how the colonization of academia and the ennoblement and ‘elitization’ of academic careers are main drivers of the ever-so-harmful research-practice gap. I believe that the dirtier a researcher’s hands are, the cleaner and clearer his mind becomes.
My thesis project involves investigating the effects of cultural differences among migrants and refugees on their ability and allowance to integrate into host societies.
My favorite quote: “Imagination is a good servant, and a bad master.” Agatha Christie, The Mysterious Affair at Styles, p.57
My least favorite quote: “The simplest explanation is always the most likely.” Agatha Christie, same book, the very following sentence!”