Buchter, Lisa (2023)“Addressing Racism and Islamophobia under the Rules of Colorblindness: When Social Movements Engage in Category Work to Reform the Meanings of Regulatory Categories.” Strategic Organization, 21 (1): 149-185.

Buchter, Lisa (2023)“Addressing Racism and Islamophobia under the Rules of Colorblindness: When Social Movements Engage in Category Work to Reform the Meanings of Regulatory Categories.” Strategic Organization, 21 (1): 149-185.

Research at the intersection of social movements and categories has stressed how movements initiate and transform categories that influence the emergence, downfall, and restructuring of markets and industries. Yet, this literature tends to underestimate how social...
Lobbedez, Elise and Lisa Buchter (2023) “The strength of pushbacks, Collective Identity In A Fragmented Mass Movement. Mobilization: An International Quarterly, 28(1), 61–88.

Lobbedez, Elise and Lisa Buchter (2023) “The strength of pushbacks, Collective Identity In A Fragmented Mass Movement. Mobilization: An International Quarterly, 28(1), 61–88.

This article examines how social movement actors can forge and sustain a collective identity despite heterogeneous backgrounds and the absence of pre-existing commonalities and networks. Based on an ethnography of the French yellow vest movement, we build on the...
Clavijo N., Perray-Redslob L., Mandalaki E. (2023). “Cracking a brick in the master’s house: counter practices as counter-accounts of difference and survival”, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, DOI 10.1108/AAAJ-07-2022-5936

Clavijo N., Perray-Redslob L., Mandalaki E. (2023). “Cracking a brick in the master’s house: counter practices as counter-accounts of difference and survival”, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, DOI 10.1108/AAAJ-07-2022-5936

Purpose – This paper aims to examine how an alternative accounting system developed by a marginalised group of women enables them to counter oppressive systems built at the intersections of gender, class and race. Design/methodology/approach – The authors draw on...