Offre de bourse doctorale

Offre de bourse doctorale

emlyon business school offre une bourse doctorale pour financer un projet de recherche en sciences sociales, orienté travail et organisation. En mobilisant de préférence des méthodes ethnographiques, le projet visera à comprendre les transformations du travail...
Dance Your Ph.D.

Dance Your Ph.D.

Hernandez Castro, G.Z., Kervyn, N., Mandalaki, E., Pérezts, M., Gomez Zuñiga, R.A., Rojas Pérez, S.G. (2024)“Dance Your Ph.D.” in VideoConfeDance: Developing a Blended-Method Dance Workshop for the Popularization of Science Through Choreography This teaching practice...
Clavijo C., Perray-Redslob, L. (2024). “We don’t want to be accused of being feminists”: A gender equality measure for leadership positions and the perpetuation of patriarchal arrangements. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. Volume 100, December 2024, 102754

Clavijo C., Perray-Redslob, L. (2024). “We don’t want to be accused of being feminists”: A gender equality measure for leadership positions and the perpetuation of patriarchal arrangements. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. Volume 100, December 2024, 102754

Clavijo C., Perray-Redslob, L. (2024). This article seeks to understand the effects produced by a gender equality measure founded on a career-advancement approach to equality, by scrutinising a managerial control process introduced by the women’s network of a large...