Lisa Buchter has been taking part in the collaborative participatory action research project called RAPSoDIÂ (Recherche Action Participative, Solidarité et Innovation dans l’Âge: http://halage.info/les-echos-de-rapsodia/ ) since 2020. This participatory action research project was co-constructed by researchers from different disciplinary backgrounds (scholars in sociology, geography, urban planning, management, etc.) and by activists who were part of the collective Hal’Âge (http://halage.info/), a French non-profit bringing together activists and researchers to explore solution to bring about concrete innovation for ageing and for fostering solidarity through collective housing. The project explored how various collective housing arrangements (housing cooperative, participatory house, senior-only co-living, etc.) helped foster further solidarity and promoted more interdependency among neighbors, and thus in 6 different cities in France, as well as in Belgium, Germany, and the UK. The project enters its final stage (final report) and will be valued through joint publications in the upcoming years. Lisa has already started to work with activists in different venues, and namely the academic journal Nouvelle Questions Féministes:
Buchter, L., Guinchard, M., & Le Roux, A. (2022). Remettre les vieilles de la marge au centre avec une recherche participative. Nouvelles Questions Féministes, 41(1), 83–99. https://doi.org/10.3917/nqf.411.0083