We are pleased to announce our next OCE Research Seminar with 2 special guests : Silvia Gherardi & Antonio Strati will join us on May 16th to discuss their work :
Silvia Gherardi
“How practice theory participates in critical posthumanist conversations”
Antonio Strati
“Do you play with philosophy when doing organizational research?” Selfies from Aesthetics”
Short bios
Silvia Gherardi is Senior Professor of Sociology of Organization at the University of Trento in Italy, where she founded the Research Unit on Communication, Organizational Learning, and Aesthetics (www.unitn.it/rucola). She received Honorary Doctoral Degrees from Roskilde University (2005), East Finland University (2010) and St Andrews University (2014). Her research interests include: feminist new materialism, feminist posthumanism, epistemology of practice theory, entrepreneurship, and postqualitative methodologies in organization studies. Recent publications include How to Conduct Practice-Based Studies: Problems and Methods (Elgar, 2019), in collaboration with Michela Cozza, The Posthumanist Epistemology of Practice Theory (Palgrave, 2024), and in collaboration with de Vaujany, and Silva Organization Studies and Posthumanism: Towards a More-than-Human World. (Routledge, 2024).
Antonio Strati is Senior Professor at the Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento, Italy. He is a founder member of the Research Unit on Communication, Organizational Learning, and Aesthetics (RUCOLA) at Trento and also a founder member of SCOS, the Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism. His book Organization and Aesthetics (1999), one of the founding texts of organizational aesthetics research, has been published in French (2004), Portuguese (2007), and Italian (2008). Twenty years later, he published Organization Theory and Aesthetic Philosophies. He is also an exhibited art photographer.
The event takes place in emlyon business school, at Ecully – room A 345 and on Zoom.
Here is the link to register you, to be completed by May 10th: https://forms.office.com/e/q9VcS9jjUp