
The “Ethnoworkshop” is a space where ethnographers can share the challenges they face when getting closer to people’s everyday lives and when they work to turn their experience into writing. This two-day event welcomes Ph.D. students as well as junior seasoned scholars working in a wide range of social sciences disciplines and topics with an international colleague and friendly spirit.

Our overall goal with this workshop is to discover and discuss empirical elements from ongoing or past fieldwork, and how they might resonate with further theoretical considerations. In other terms, the workshop is designed for discussing mostly fieldwork contributions and questions rather than classic is-that-the-right-theory- presentations,

The Ethnography Workshop has been organized for 10 years by emlyon business school, Cardiff University, VU Amsterdam, ESADE Business School, Dauphine University, Louvain University and ESADE Business School.

CALL FOR PAPER | 11h edition of the Ethnography Workshop | ESADE Business School | May 6-7 | Barcelona


We are pleased to announce that the 11h edition of the Ethnography Workshop will be hosted by ESADE Business School, on May 6 and 7, 2024, in Barcelona, Spain.

This workshop, created in 2013, is designed as a convivial space where you can share the peripeties of your ethnographic journey and think both through and beyond your observation with an interdisciplinary group of scholars (e.g., Management, Sociology, Anthropology, Entrepreneurship).

The workshop aims to foster a space for experimentation, play, and critique to engage ethnographically on a wide variety of topics. Discussing empirics, reflexive matters, issues of engagement and relationships with the field, are central to our conversations.

Participation is free of charge, and refreshments and meals are provided but participants are expected to cover their travel and accommodation expenses. Three emlyon Ethnography Institute grants of 500 euros are available to support participants with limited funding.

  • Abstract (500 words) are due by March 1st, 2024, to
  • Notification of acceptance on March 18th and full paper due by April 28th.