Dear all,

The next OCE Paper workshop is planned Thursday, November 12th (13:30-15:00).

Joseph will present an exciting on-going work entitled “ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION AND INTERNAL DIDACTIC TRANSPOSITION IN MADAGASCAR”. This working paper unpacks the issues of “didactic transposition” in entrepreneurship education classes in Madagascar.

Joseph started this article with Saulo, and a shorter version was received at the ESU conference this summer. It was not presented as the conference was reduced due to COVID, but was published in its proceedings.

Apologies for sending this paper late, but not every part is crucial there: Joseph knows he needs to put more work on the methodology and the discussion sections. His main struggle is to clarify his findings to make a more compelling argument contributing more to CMS and entrepreneurship. He feels all this is a bit disconnected right now, and that he might need to completely change his theoretical framing. Still, hopes you will understand the story he is telling here.

For those of you how are not familiar with his field, please note that Joseph has highlighted the most important parts in the methodology. They describe his entry to the field. The rest is more background on the international cooperation aspects of the paper.

